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Computing Lab Facilities

Information on AERB labs, resources, and facilities.


LCSEE Computer Labs and Classrooms are located in the Engineering Sciences Building and Advanced Engineering Research Building. Lab computers run either LOUD (an LCSEE Optimized version of Ubuntu Linux) or Microsoft Windows 11 Professional. The following sections go into greater detail about each lab's uses, hardware, and software.

Additional facilities used as classroom labs are located throughout the Department. These rooms include 137 AER, 138 AER, G22 ESB, G23 ESB, G24 ESB, and G25 ESB. These facilities are used during scheduled lab times. With the exception of the 60 seat 137 AER, most rooms contain 10-12 computers. Senior Design locations primarily located in G28 ESB and are also spread throughout the Department. Access is granted through the Senior Design coordinator.

137 AER Computer Classroom

The Statler Computer Classroom located in room 137 AER is home to many Computer Science courses and lab sections. The facility is not generally accessible outside of scheduled class our lab sections.

There are times when LCSEE Systems will proctor open hours for this facilities. Please check the schedule on the 137 AER Open Lab page for information.


The 137 AER computer classroom houses 60 computers. These Intel based computers currently run the a Statler College Windows image that is outfitted with the Lane Department's LOUD (Ubuntu Linux) operating system Virtual Machine. Below is a list of technical specifications for these machines:

Processor: Intel Core i7

RAM: 16 GB


Monitor: 19" LCD


Peripherals in 137 AER include a full presentation system with document camera and Sympodium connected to the instructor's terminal.

Additional information can be found on the 137 AER facilities page.

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