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How do I AUTO import MSSE Collaborate sessions?

Submit a Media Capture support request in the LCSEE Systems Service Center.

Here are the steps that approved MSSE instructors can use to have their SENG course Collaborate sessions for AUTO-archived in Mediasite.

  1. Download your Collaborate session MP4 files from eCampus.

  2. Install and configure an SFTP client, such as FileZilla or Cyberduck, with the following settings:

    1. Server Name:

    2. Port: 20110

    3. Username:

    4. Password: Your WVU Login Passsword

    5. If possible, set the path to /srv/msse so that you don't need to use the SFTP client to navigate to that folder on the uploader server.

  3. Drag and drop your MP4 files to the /srv/msse folder in the SFTP client.

  4. The Media Import Project on the Mediasite server will grab and delete the MP4s uploaded to that location every 5 minutes. You will notice that the ones you have uploaded will disappear after they have been ingested.

  5. To have the uploads properly re-located, named, tagged, etc. send an email with the file names of your uploads and any pertinent information to

Uploading an MSSE Collaborate Session HOWTO Video

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