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I'm a faculty/staff member. How can I access my Windows system remotely?

WVU's GlobalProtect VPN client will allow you to connect to your on-campus PC that is on Statler College networks using a Remote Desktop (or SSH) client.

  • Windows PCs on WVU-AD should be able to be accessed using your computer name. Otherwise, you'll need to know the IP address of the machine to which you'll be connecting from outside of your LAN, such as your WVU office PC. To get this: 

  1. Click the Start Menu and search for Command Prompt to run it.

  2. In the Command Prompt window that appears type the following command and then press Enter: ipconfig 

  3. Look for a line that says "IP Address" followed by a series of digits and dots. The "157.182.#.#" number is your WVU desktops PC's IP address, which you will also need to enter into Remote Desktop. 

  • Setup your PC to be accessed remotely. Follow the instructions at this link:

  • Open the Remote Desktop Connection client by pressing the Windows Key + S

  • Type  "Remote Desktop Connection" then open application

  • Once Remote Desktop Connection client is open enter the Computer Name and or IP address into input field and click Connect.

  • When prompted with a login screen, enter the username and password used to login to your computer. If your Windows PC is on the WVU-AD domain, your WVU Login username must be entered as "WVU-AD\username"

  • To transfer files between your remote and local system, please use a cloud storage app such as WVU Office 365's One Drive for Business or MiX Google Drive and store your files appropriately.

  • If you have an SSH server running on your PC, you should be able to ssh to that system in the standard manner.

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