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Keychain Access asks for keychain "login" after changing my WVU Login password. What do I do?

When you update your WVU Login password, and your Mac is configured to use it for logon, the password for the Keychain on your Mac becomes out of sync.

If you want your default keychain to be unlocked automatically when you log in, synchronize your Keychain Access and account login passwords by doing this:

  1. Open Keychain Access (you can get to it by choosing Utilities from the Go menu in the Finder).

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Change Password for Keychain "login."

  3. Type the former password of the account that you are currently logged in to, then click OK.

    1. If you do not remember your previous password, in Keychain Access, choose Keychain List from the Edit menu, select the "login" keychain, then click Delete (-).

  4. If you entered the correct password, a new window appears; enter the original password again in the Current Password field.

  5. In the New Password field, type the password that matches your current account password.

  6. Re-enter the newer password in the Verify field, then click OK.

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