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What Shared Folder workflows are available for collaboration with others that create presentations?

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If you'd like to have a shared folder available in MyMediasite so that you and others, such as those in your research group, can share videos with each other, we have a few workflows available below.

Research or Project Group Owner-based Shared Folder

In this option, a Shared Folder is created by a Mediasite Administrator. The following roles have different levels of access to the folder and its contents:

  • Use this workflow if you want to retain access to member content and prevent changes*

  • Research/Project Group Owner

    • Determines who can see the folder as well as add to and view all presentations in the folder

    • Will see the folder under Shared Folders in MyMediaiste

    • Will have access to view all presentations in the folder

    • Retains full access permissions to presentations in the folder to modify or delete

    • Will have access to publish presentations to channels or share via links

  • Research/Project Group Member

    • Will see the folder under Shared Folders in MyMediasite

    • Can view all presentations in the folder if set to viewable

    • Can use the Copy To operation for adding their own presentations to the folder

    • Cannot change, delete, or share presentations into the folder to others

To have this Shared Folder setup, send the following information to

  • Name for the Shared Folder in the format GROUPNAME-SHARE-## in which GROUPNAME is based on your research group or project's name (abbreviate as necessary) and ## is the folder number starting with 01.

  • A list of WVU Login usernames for those that should have Group Member access to the folder via MyMediasite.  As members come and go from your group, or if access needs revoked, you must send updates.

Follow the instructions for Workflow For Publishing Presentations To A Group Owner-based Shared Folder.

Research or Project Group Full-Access Shared Folder

In this option, a Shared Folder is created by a Mediasite Administrator. The following roles have different levels of access to the folder and its contents:

  • Use this workflow if you want group members to retain full control of their own content in the folder - including removal and modification*

  • Research/Project Group Owner

    • Determines who can see the folder as well as add to and view all presentations in the folder

    • May have access view all presentations in the folder if set by the creator

    • Doesn't obtain full access permissions to presentations in the folder

    • May have access to publish presentations to channels or share via links

  • Research/Project Group Member

    • Retains full control of their own presentations move to the folder

    • May have automatically granted Group Owner full access to modify the presentations and settings based on inheritance of permissions

    • May have access to view all presentations in the folder if set by the creator

    • Can use the Move To operations for moving their presentations into the folder

To have this Shared Folder setup, send the following information to

  • Name for the Shared Folder in the format GROUPNAME-SHARE-## in which GROUPNAME is based on your research group or project's name (abbreviate as necessary) and ## is the folder number starting with 01.

  • A list of WVU Login usernames for those that should have Full-Access to the folder via MyMediasite.  As members come and go from your group, or if access needs revoked, you must send updates. People WILL retain full control of presentations that they created but remain in the folder.

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