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How do I submit my presentations and videos to my instructor in MyMediasite?

Submit a Media Capture support request in the LCSEE Systems Service Center.

Follow the instructions below to create or upload your presentations and share them with your instructor.

  1. Login to the MyMediasite Portal

  2. Read through the MyMediasite Quickstart Guide for information about uploading and recording.

  3. Verify that your upload has finished processing and that you can watch it. Then proceed to the next step.

  4. Choose the presentation and use the Copy To operation to submit to the instructor’s folder for the assignment. The instructor will need to provide the name of this folder to you.

    1. It will be in the format: TermCode-SubjectCourseNumber-Section-CRN-##

      1. (E.g. 202001-CS101-T01-13246-01)

  5. Once you click the Start Copying button, and the window closes on its own, the process has been initiated on the server and you are finished.

  6. If your instructor chooses to share presentations, you will be able to view them once published to eCampus by the instructor.

Mediasite Presentation Copy To Operation

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