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How do I schedule a Zoom meeting and invite the 256 AER Zoom Room using the Zoom application?

Scheduling the 256 AER Zoom Room ahead of time has benefits:

  • The room is invited on the same Calendar Meeting invite that you send to other meeting participants.

  • The touch panel will display your meeting under Meeting List with a button to start the meeting when you are ready.

  • Shortly before the meeting, the calendar event/meeting name will appear on the main wall display indicating that a meeting is about to begin and reminding you to use the touch panel to Start the meeting.

  • The touch panel background will turn yellow as the start time approaches. It will turn red at that time of the meeting, indicating that the Zoom meeting still needs to be started.

To schedule the meeting, do the following:

  1. Open the Zoom app on your computer.

  2. Click the Schedule button and enter your meeting settings.

  3. Under Calendar, select Outlook.

    • Click the Save or Import button depending upon your OS.

      • Outlook on Windows should open with the Zoom text in the meeting invitation.

        • Ensure that the meeting link and invite information are included in the meeting invitation.

      • Outlook on macOS may not open. Navigate to your Outlook Calendar and find the Meeting to open and edit.

  4. In the location field, add ZR_aer_256 and be careful not to delete the Zoom link.

    • Adding this location is the step that connects the Zoom Room system to your event, allowing it to appear on the touch panel with a Start button.

    • If you delete the Zoom link from the location field, leaving only ZR_aer_256, the meeting will appear on the touch panel’s Meeting List but will not have a Start button.

  5. Add your meeting participants.

  6. Click Send on your event invite.

  7. When arriving in 256 AER, wake the Poly system, tap Meeting List, and tap Start to begin the Zoom meeting.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR CALL WHEN FINISHED. You can do this by tapping the red Leave button. The Poly system and displays will power down automatically after a period of time. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MANUALLY TURN OFF DISPLAYS.

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